windswept ['wɪndswɛpt]  


windswept  ['wɪndswɛpt]

adj. 被风吹的;暴露在风中的;风刮的 

On windswept outposts people live in tents but in the most sheltered regions they have stout, resilient cottages. 在受风吹袭的边区村落,人们居住在帐篷里;而在最受庇护的地区,他们有坚固的、能复原的村舍。
It's a windswept, freezing January afternoon on a remote beach in Scotland, and I'm watching four horses, each with a child on its back, plodding across the pebbles. 这是苏格兰的一处边远海滩,一月份特有的刮风而又寒冷的下午,我注视着四匹马,每匹马都载着一个小孩,缓慢的行进在鹅卵石小路上。

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  • adj. 被风吹的;暴露在风中的;风刮的
  • 1. On windswept outposts people live in tents but in the most sheltered regions they have stout, resilient cottages.


  • 2. It's a windswept, freezing January afternoon on a remote beach in Scotland, and I'm watching four horses, each with a child on its back, plodding across the pebbles.


  • 3. Without this listening our spiritual life eventually becomes subject to the windswept waves of our emotions.


  • windswept (adj.) 1932, originally of hair, from wind (n.1) + past participle of sweep (v.).
wind·swept / ˈwɪndswept ; NAmE ˈwɪndswept / adjective 1 (of a place 地方 ) having strong winds and little protection from them 受大风吹的;当风的 the windswept Atlantic coast 受大风侵袭的大西洋海岸 2 looking as though you have been in a strong wind 似被风吹散的;乱蓬蓬的 windswept hair 凌乱的头发 wind·swept / ˈwɪndswept ; NAmE ˈwɪndswept /
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