willfully ['wɪlfəli]  


willfully  ['wɪlfəli]

adv. 故意地;任性固执地 

He didn't defend -- or draw attention to -- his ownperfectly reasonable, willfully misinterpreted, and potentially unpopularideas. 他没有防卫——或把注意力引向——他个人的完全合情合理,被故意曲解的,也有可能潜在的不受欢迎的思想。
In some U.S. states, and in many countries, courts can impose sanctions on government agencies and employees who willfully withhold records in violation of the law. 在美国的一些州和许多国家,法院可对故意违反法律拒绝开放档案的政府机构和雇员实施制裁。

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  • adv. 故意地;任性固执地
  • 1. He didn't defend -- or draw attention to -- his ownperfectly reasonable, willfully misinterpreted, and potentially unpopularideas.


  • 2. In some U.S. states, and in many countries, courts can impose sanctions on government agencies and employees who willfully withhold records in violation of the law.


  • 3. This will protect those who inadvertently or naively come into possession of classified materials as well as those who willfully retain materials they do not realize are classified.


  • willfully (adv.) also wilfully, late Old English wilfullice "of one's own free will, voluntarily;" see willful + -ly (2). Mid-14c. as "deliberately, knowingly." Bad sense of "on purpose" is attested from late 14c.
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