will 英 [wɪl]   美 [wɪl]


will  英 [wɪl] 美 [wɪl]

n. 意志;决心;情感;遗嘱;意图;心愿  vt. 决心要;遗赠;用意志力使  vi. 愿意;下决心 

进行时:willing  过去式:willed  过去分词:willed  第三人称单数:wills  名词复数:wills 

will you marry me? 你愿意和我结婚吗?
It is God's will. 这是上帝的旨意。

  • Will means to want or to choose. If you have free will, you are allowed to choose what you want. If you make a will, you've write down what you want to have happen to your money and your stuff.
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  • n. 意志;决心;情感;遗嘱;意图;心愿
  • vt. 决心要;遗赠;用意志力使
  • vi. 愿意;下决心
  • aux. 将;愿意;必须
  • 1. will you marry me?


  • 2. It is God's will.


  • 3. That will be the doctor now.


  • 4. to have a strong will


  • 5. I ought to make a will.


  • 6. Will you send this letter for me, please?


  • will (n.) Old English will, willa "mind, determination, purpose; desire, wish, request; joy, delight," from Proto-Germanic *wiljon- (source also of Old Saxon willio, Old Norse vili, Old Frisian willa, Dutch wil, Old High German willio, German Wille, Gothic wilja "will"), related to *willan "to wish" (see will (v.1)). The meaning "written document expressing a person's wishes about disposition of property after death" is first recorded late 14c.
  • will (v.1) Old English *willan, wyllan "to wish, desire; be willing; be used to; be about to" (past tense wolde), from Proto-Germanic *willjan (source also of Old Saxon willian, Old Norse vilja, Old Frisian willa, Dutch willen, Old High German wellan, German wollen, Gothic wiljan "to will, wish, desire," Gothic waljan "to choose").
  • will (v.2) Old English willian "to determine by act of choice," from will (n.). From mid-15c. as "dispose of by will or testament." Often difficult to distinguish from will (v.1).
will / wɪl ; NAmE wɪl / modal verb , verb , noun will wills willed willing modal verb ( short form 'll / l ; NAmE l / , negative will not , short form won't / wəʊnt ; NAmE woʊnt / , pt would / wəd ; NAmE wəd / / strong form wʊd strong form wʊd / , short form 'd / d ; NAmE d / , negative would not , short form wouldn't / ˈwʊdnt ; NAmE ˈwʊdnt / ) 1 used for talking about or predicting the future (谈及将来) You'll be in time if you hurry. 你要是抓紧一点儿就会来得及。 How long will you be staying in Paris? 你将在巴黎待多久? Fred said he'd be leaving soon. 弗雷德说他很快就要走了。 By next year all the money will have been spent. 到明年所有的钱都将花光了。 2 used for showing that sb is willing to do sth (表示愿意)愿,要,会,定要 I'll check this letter for you, if you want. 你要是愿意,我会给你查查这封信的。 They won't lend us any more money. 他们不愿再借给我们钱了。 He wouldn't come—he said he was too busy. 他不愿来,他说他太忙。 We said we would keep them. 我们说过要保存它们的。 3 used for asking sb to do sth (烦劳别人做事时用) Will you send this letter for me, please? 请你替我把这封信寄出去行吗? You'll water the plants while I'm away, won't you? 我外出的时候请你给花草浇浇水,行不行? I asked him if he wouldn't mind calling later. 我问他能否过会儿再来电话。 4 used for ordering sb to do sth (命令时用) You'll do it this minute! 你现在就要做这事! Will you be quiet! 安静点儿! 5 used for stating what you think is probably true (含有肯定的意思) That'll be the doctor now. 这会儿准是医生来了。 You'll have had dinner already, I suppose. 我想,到时候你大概已经吃过饭了。 6 used for stating what is generally true (叙述一般真理) If it's made of wood it will float. 这要是木材做的就能浮在水面上。 Engines won't run without lubricants. 没有润滑油发动机就不能运转。 7 used for stating what is true or possible in a particular case (叙述在某种情况下是真实或可能的事) This jar will hold a kilo. 这个罐子能盛一千克。 The door won't open! 那扇门就是打不开! 8 used for talking about habits (谈及习惯) She'll listen to music, alone in her room, for hours. 她总是独自一个人在屋里听音乐,一听就是几个小时。 He would spend hours on the telephone. 他一打电话往往就是几个小时。 HELP  If you put extra stress on the word willor wouldin this meaning, it shows that the habit annoys you. 在此义中如果重读 will 或 would,即表示这一习惯令人恼火 He ˈwill comb his hair at the table, even though he knows I don't like it. notes at modal , shall verb ( third person singular present tense will ) [intransitive ] only used in the simple present tense 仅用于简单现在时 old-fashioned or formal to want or like 想要;希望;愿意;喜欢 Call it what you will, it's still a problem. 不管怎么说,这仍然是个问题。 verb 1 to use the power of your mind to do sth or to make sth happen 立定志向;决心;决意 willsth As a child he had thought he could fly, if he willed it enough. 他小时候曾经以为,只要有足够决心,想要飞就能飞起来。 willsb/sth to do sth She willed her eyes to stay open. 她使劲睁着眼睛。 He willed himself not to panic. 他竭力让自己不要恐慌。 2 willsth | willthat… ( old use) to intend or want sth to happen 想要(某事发生) They thought they had been victorious in battle because God had willed it. 他们以为自己打了胜仗是上帝的旨意。 3 to formally give your property or possessions to sb after you have died, by means of a willn.  (3 ) 立遗嘱将(财产等)赠与(某人);立遗嘱赠与 willsb sth Joe had willed them everything he possessed. 乔把自己拥有的一切都遗赠给了他们。 willsth (to sb) Joe had willed everything he possessed to them. 乔把自己拥有的一切都遗赠给了他们。 noun 1 [countable ,  uncountable ] the ability to control your thoughts and actions in order to achieve what you want to do; a feeling of strong determination to do sth that you want to do 意志;毅力;自制力 to have a strong will 有坚强的意志 to have an iron will/a will of iron 有钢铁般的意志 Her decision to continue shows great strength of will. 她决心坚持下去,显示出了很大的意志力。 In spite of what happened, he never lost the will to live. 尽管如此遭遇,他从未丧失活下去的意志。 The meeting turned out to be a clash of wills. 这次会议结果成了一次意志的角力。 She always wants to impose her will on other people (= to get what she wants). 她总是想把自己的意志强加于人。 see also free will , willpower 2 [singular ] what sb wants to happen in a particular situation 意愿;心愿 I don't want to go against your will. 我不想违背您的意愿。 ( formal) It is God's will. 这是上帝的旨意。 3 ( also tes·ta·ment ) [countable ] a legal document that says what is to happen to sb's money and property after they die 遗嘱 I ought to make a will. 我应该立份遗嘱。 My father left me the house in his will. 我父亲在遗嘱中把这所房子遗赠给了我。 see also living will 4 -willed ( in adjectives 构成形容词 ) having the type of willmentioned 有…意志的;…毅力的 a strong-willed young woman 意志坚强的年轻女子 weak-willed greedy people 意志薄弱而贪婪的人 IDIOMS against your ˈwill when you do not want to 不情愿地;违心地 I was forced to sign the agreement against my will. 我被迫违心地签了这份协议。 at ˈwill whenever or wherever you like 任意;随意 They were able to come and go at will. 他们能够来去自由。 where there's a ˌwill there's a ˈway ( saying) if you really want to do sth then you will find a way of doing it 有志者事竟成 with a ˈwill in a willing and enthusiastic way 愿意地;热情地;乐意地 with the ˌbest will in the ˈworld used to say that you cannot do sth, even though you really want to 尽管已尽心竭力;尽管真心愿意 With the best will in the world I could not describe him as a good father. 尽管我心里极想美言几句,却怎么也不能说他是位好父亲。 will / wɪl ; NAmE wɪl / 'll / l ; NAmE l / won't / wəʊnt ; NAmE woʊnt / would / wəd ; NAmE wəd / 'd / d ; NAmE d / wouldn't / ˈwʊdnt ; NAmE ˈwʊdnt /
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