wiki ['wɪki]
n. 维基百科(网站名)
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- n. 维基百科(网站名)
1. First of all, there is this wiki itself.
2. We set up a wiki where we asked kids to choose a theme from the book and organize themselves into the spaces they are interested in.
3. No official announcement was made; the information was confirmed, as with this most recent change, through an update to the API wiki.
但是却没有找到任何官方的通知。 最近这些改动信息都是通过API的维基页面得到确认的。
- wiki (n.) web page that can be edited by browsers, by 2002, abstracted from names of such sites (such as Wikipedia, launched January 2001), the original being WikiWikiWeb, introduced and named by Ward Cunningham in 1995, from Hawaiian wikiwiki "fast, swift."
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