wickedness 英 ['wɪkɪdnɪs]  


wickedness  英 ['wɪkɪdnɪs]

n. 邪恶;不道德 


In it, he touched on familiar themes, such as the wickedness of Iran's rulers and his belief that only democracy can free people from oppression and insecurity. 在讲话中,他提到了大家都熟悉的主题,如伊朗统治者的邪恶,以及他相信,只有民主才能将人民从压迫和不安全中解救出来。
More and more will this become an age of wickedness, strife, and disrespect for the gods, until shame itself and righteous retribution will abandon mortals to their evil folly and doom. 这个时代会变得越来越邪恶、冲突越来越多、对神的不敬越来越严重,最后,由于羞愧难当与因果报应,人类把自己抛入邪恶和毁灭的深渊。

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  • n. 邪恶;不道德
  • 1. In it, he touched on familiar themes, such as the wickedness of Iran's rulers and his belief that only democracy can free people from oppression and insecurity.


  • 2. More and more will this become an age of wickedness, strife, and disrespect for the gods, until shame itself and righteous retribution will abandon mortals to their evil folly and doom.


  • 3. At a music festival near Cambridge, wickedness is flourishing: pot-smoke fills the air and the fields are littered with empty cans of nitrous oxide.


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