wet 英 [wet]   美 [wɛt]


wet  英 [wet] 美 [wɛt]

adj. 潮湿的; 

进行时:wetting  过去式:wet  过去分词:wet  第三人称单数:wets  名词复数:wets  比较级:wetter  最高级:wettest 

wet grass 湿草
wet clothes 湿衣服

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  • adj. 潮湿的;
  • 1. wet grass


  • 2. wet clothes


  • 3. You'll get wet (= in the rain)if you go out now.


  • 4. His face was wet with tears.


  • 5. a wet day


  • 6. a wet climate


  • 7. Keep off! Wet paint.


wet / wet ; NAmE wet / adjective , verb , noun wet wetter wettest adjective ( wet·ter , wet·test ) 1 covered with or containing liquid, especially water 潮的;湿的;潮湿的 wet clothes 湿衣服 wet grass 湿草 You'll get wet (= in the rain)if you go out now. 你要是现在出去会被淋湿的。 Try not to get your shoes wet. 尽量别弄湿了鞋子。 His face was wet with tears. 他泪流满面。 We were all soaking wet (= extremely wet). 我们都成了落汤鸡。 Her hair was still dripping wet. 她的头发仍然湿淋淋的。 My shirt was wet through (= completely wet). 我的衬衣湿透了。 2 (of weather, etc. 天气等 ) with rain 有雨的;下雨的 a wet day 下雨天 a wet climate 多雨的气候 It's wetoutside. 外边下雨了。 It's going to be wet tomorrow. 明天有雨。 It was the wettest October for many years. 这是多年来下雨最多的一个十月份。 3 (of paint, ink, etc. 油漆、墨水等 ) not yet dry 尚未干的 Keep off! Wet paint. 油漆未干,请勿靠近! 4 if a child or its nappy/diaperis wet,its nappy/diaperis full of urine (儿童)尿湿了尿布的;(尿布)尿湿的 5 ( BrE) (of a person ) ( informal, disapproving) lacking a strong character 窝囊的;没有骨气的 SYN feeble , wimpish ‘Don't be so wet,’ she laughed. “别这么窝囊。”她笑道。 wetly / wetli ; NAmE wetli / adverb wet·ness / wetnəs ; NAmE wetnəs / noun [uncountable ] IDIOMS all ˈwet ( NAmE) ( informal) completely wrong 完全错的;大错特错 (still) ˌwet behind the ˈears ( informal, disapproving) young and without much experience 乳臭未干;少不更事;没见过世面 SYN naive more at foot n. verb ( wet·ting , wet , wet or wet·ting , wet·ted , wet·ted ) wetsth to make sth wet 使潮湿;把…弄湿 Wet the brush slightly before putting it in the paint. 把刷子弄湿点再去沾油漆。 IDIOMS wet the/your ˈbed [no passive ] to urinatein your bed by accident 尿床 It is quite common for small children to wet their beds. 小孩尿床是常有的事。 ˈwet yourself | wet your ˈpants/ˈknickers [no passive ] to urinatein your underwear by accident 尿裤子 noun 1 the wet [singular ] wet weather; rain 雨天;雨 Come in out of the wet. 快进来,别淋着。 2 [uncountable ] liquid, especially water 液体;(尤指)水 The dog shook the wet from its coat. 狗抖掉了毛上的水。 3 [countable ] ( BrE) ( disapproving) a conservative politician who supports moderatepolicies rather than extreme ones 保守党温和派成员 Tory wets 保守党的温和派 4 [countable ] ( BrE) ( informal, disapproving) a person who lacks a strong character 窝囊废;软骨头 SYN wimp SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 wet moist damp soaked drenched saturated These words all describe things covered with or full of liquid, especially water. 以上各词均形容物体等潮的、湿的。 wet covered with or full of liquid, especially water 指潮的、湿的、潮湿的: The car had skidded on the wet road. 汽车在湿路上打滑了。 You'll get wet (= in the rain)if you go out now. 你现在出去就会被淋湿。 moist slightly wet, often in a way that is pleasant or useful 指微湿的、湿润的、润泽的,常指是舒适或有益的: a lovely rich moist cake 可爱的松软味浓的蛋糕 damp slightly wet, often in a way that is unpleasant 指微湿的、潮湿的、湿度大的,常指令人不舒服的: The cottage was cold and damp. 这小屋又冷又湿。 soaked ( rather informal) very wet 指湿透了: You're soaked through! (= completely wet) 你都湿透了! drenched very wet 指湿透了: We were caught in the storm and came home drenched to the skin. 我们遇上了暴雨,回到家时浑身湿透了。 soaked or drenched? 用 soaked 还是 drenched? Both of these words can be used with withor in. 上述两词均可与 with 或 in 连用: soaked/drenched with/in sweat/blood 大汗淋漓;浸透了鲜血 Soakedbut not usually drenchedcan also be used before a noun. *soaked 亦可用于名词前,drenched 通常不这样用: their soaked clothes 他们湿透了的衣服 their drenched clothes saturated very wet 指湿透、浸透: The ground is completely saturated: it would be pointless to plant anything. 地已经浸透,种什么东西都是白搭。 PATTERNS wet/moist/damp/soaked/drenched/saturated withsth soaked/drenched insth sb's coat / coat is/are wet/damp/soaked/drenched wet/moist/damp/saturated ground / ground to getwet/moist/damp/soaked/drenched/saturated wet / wet ; NAmE wet / wetly / wetli ; NAmE wetli / wet·ness / wetnəs ; NAmE wetnəs /
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