week 英 [wi:k]   美 [wik]


week  英 [wi:k] 美 [wik]

n. 周,星期 


last week, this week,next week 上╱本╱下星期
a two-week vacation 两周假期

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  • n. 周,星期
  • 1. last week, this week,next week


  • 2. a two-week vacation


  • 3. It rained all week.


  • 4. The course lasts five weeks.


  • 5. She writes every week to her mother.


  • week (n.) Old English wucu, wice, etc., from Proto-Germanic *wikon (source also of Old Norse vika, Old Frisian wike, Middle Dutch weke, Old High German wecha, German woche), probably originally with the sense of "a turning" or "succession" (compare Gothic wikon "in the course of," Old Norse vika "sea-mile," originally "change of oar," Old English wican "yield, give way"), from PIE root *weik- (2) "to bend, to wind." The vowel sound seems to have been uncertain in Old and Middle English and -e-, -i-, -o-, -u-, -y-, and various diphthongs are attested for it.
week / wiːk ; NAmE wiːk / noun 1 a period of seven days, either from Monday to Sunday or from Sunday to Saturday 周;星期;礼拜 last/this/next week 上╱本╱下星期 It rained all week. 整个星期都在下雨。 What day of the weekis it? 今天星期几? He comes to see us once a week. 他每周来看望我们一次。 2 any period of seven days 一周;七天的时间 a two-weekvacation 两周假期 The course lasts five weeks. 这门课程为期五周。 a week agotoday (= seven days ago) 一周前的今天 She'll be back in a week. 她一周后回来。 3 the five days other than Saturday and Sunday (除星期六和星期日以外的)五天 They live in town during the weekand go to the country for the weekend. 他们从星期一到星期五住在城里,周末到乡下去。 ( BrE) I never have the time to go out in the week. 我从星期一到星期五从来没有时间外出参加社交活动。 4 the part of the week when you go to work 工作周(一个星期中的工作时间) a 35-hour week *35 小时的工作周 The firm is introducing a shorter working week. 这家公司要采用较短的周工作时间。 IDIOMS today, tomorrow, Monday, etc. ˈweek ( BrE) ( also a ˌweek (from) toˈday, etc. NAmE, BrE ) seven days after the day that you mention 一周后的今天(或明天、星期一等) I'll see you Thursday week. 我们下星期四见。 ˌweek after ˈweek ( informal) continuously for many weeks 一个星期又一个星期;一周接一周;一连数周 Week after week the drought continued. 干旱持续了好多个星期。 ˌweek by ˈweek as the weeks pass 一个星期一个星期地;每过一周 Week by week he grew a little stronger. 每过一星期他都更健壮一点儿。 week ˌin, week ˈout happening every week 一周又一周;每个星期都;每周均无例外 Every Sunday, week in, week out, she goes to her parents for lunch. 她每个星期天都毫无例外地到她父母那里吃午饭。 a ˌweek next/on/this ˈMonday, etc. | a ˌweek toˈmorrow, etc. ( BrE) ( also a ˌweek from ˈMonday, etc. NAmE, BrE ) seven days after the day that you mention 一周后的今天(或明天、星期一等) It's my birthday a week on Tuesday. 一周后的星期二是我的生日。 a ˌweek ˈyesterday, last ˈMonday, etc. ( especially BrE) seven days before the day that you mention 一个星期前的昨天(或那个星期一等) She started work a week yesterday. 她在一个星期前的昨天就开始工作了。 more at other adj. week weeks week / wiːk ; NAmE wiːk /
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