wash 英 [wɒʃ]   美 [wɑʃ]


wash  英 [wɒʃ] 美 [wɑʃ]

n. 洗涤;洗  v. 洗涤;洗刷; 

进行时:washing  过去式:washed  过去分词:washed  第三人称单数:washes  名词复数:washes 

wash your hands 洗手
wash the car 洗车

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  • n. 洗涤;洗
  • v. 洗涤;洗刷;
  • 1. wash your hands


  • 2. wash the car


  • 3. Water washed over the deck.


  • 4. I washed and changed before going out.


  • 5. These towels need a wash.


  • wash (n.) late Old English wæsc "act of washing," from wash (v.). Meaning "clothes set aside to be washed" is attested from 1789; meaning "thin coat of paint" is recorded from 1690s; sense of "land alternately covered and exposed by the sea" is recorded from mid-15c.
  • wash (v.) Old English wascan "to wash, cleanse, bathe," transitive sense in late Old English, from Proto-Germanic *watskan "to wash" (source also of Old Norse vaska, Middle Dutch wasscen, Dutch wassen, German waschen), from PIE root *wed- (1) "water; wet." Related: Washed; washing.
wash / wɒʃ ; NAmE wɑːʃ ; wɔːʃ / verb , noun wash washes washed washing verb 1 [transitive ] to make sth/sb clean using water and usually soap 洗;洗涤 washsth/sb These jeans need washing. 这条牛仔裤该洗了。 to wash the car 洗车 to wash your hands 洗手 Wash the fruit thoroughly before eating. 把水果彻底洗干净后再吃。 washsth from sth She washed the blood from his face. 她把他脸上的血洗掉。 washsth/sb + adj. The beach had been washed clean by the tide. 海滩让潮水冲刷得干干净净。 synonyms at clean 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] ( especially BrE) to make yourself clean using water and usually soap 洗澡;洗脸;洗手 I washed and changed before going out. 我洗了个澡,换好衣服,然后才出去。 washyourself She was no longer able to wash herself. 她再也不能给自己洗澡了。 3 [intransitive ] (+ adv./prep.) (of clothes, cloth, etc. 衣服、织物等 ) to be able to be washed without losing colour or being damaged 耐洗;洗后不褪色(或破损) This sweater washes well. 这件套衫很耐洗。 4 [intransitive ,  transitive ] (of water ) to flow or carry sth/sb in a particular direction (向着某一方向)流动;冲向 + adv./prep. Water washed over the deck. 水从甲板上流过。 washsth/sb + adv./prep. Pieces of the wreckage were washed ashore. 沉船残骸的碎片被冲到了岸上。 He was washed overboardby a huge wave. 一个巨浪把他从船上掀进海里。 IDIOMS wash your dirty linen in ˈpublic ( BrE) ( disapproving) to discuss your personal affairs in public, especially sth embarrassing 公开谈论个人的事;(尤指)家丑外扬 wash your ˈhands of sb/sth to refuse to be responsible for or involved with sb/sth 拒绝对…负责;脱离关系;洗手不干 When her son was arrested again she washed her hands of him. 她的儿子再次被捕,她就与他脱离了关系。 sth won't/doesn't ˈwash (with sb) used to say that sb's explanation, excuse, etc. is not valid or that you/sb else will not accept it (解释、借口等)对某人来说站不住脚,令某人不能接受 That excuse simply won't wash with me. 那种托辞根本不能令我信服。 PHRASAL VERBS ˌwash sb/sth↔aˈway (of water ) to remove or carry sb/sth away to another place 冲掉;冲走 Part of the path had been washed away by the sea. 部份小路已被海浪冲坏。 ˌwash sth↔ˈdown (with sth) 1 to clean sth large or a surface with a lot of water 冲洗,冲刷(大件物品或表面) Wash down the walls before painting them. 先把墙冲洗后再粉刷。 2 to drink sth after, or at the same time as, eating sth 配着食物喝(饮料) For lunch we had bread and cheese, washed down with beer. 我们午餐吃的是面包和奶酪,喝的是啤酒。 ˌwash ˈoff to be removed from the surface of sth or from clothes by washing 被冲洗掉;被洗掉 Those grease stains won't wash off. 那些油渍洗不掉。 ˌwash sth↔ˈoff (sth) to remove sth from the surface of sth or from clothes by washing (从某物表面或衣服上)冲洗掉,洗掉 Wash that mud off your boots before you come in. 先把你靴子上的泥冲洗掉再进来。 ˌwash ˈout (of a dirty mark 污迹 ) to be removed from clothes by washing (从衣服上)被洗掉 These ink stains won't wash out. 这些墨渍洗不掉。 ˌwash sth↔ˈout 1 to wash the inside of sth to remove dirt, etc. 洗净,清洗(某物的内部) to wash out empty bottles 把空瓶子里面洗干净 2 to remove a substance from sth by washing 把…洗掉 Wash the dye out with shampoo. 用洗发剂把染发剂洗掉。 3 (of rain ) to make a game, an event, etc. end early or prevent it from starting 使(比赛等)提前结束;阻止…的举行 The game was completely washed out. 这场比赛因下雨根本无法进行。 related noun washout ˌwash ˈover sb 1 ( also ˌwash ˈthrough sb ) ( literary) (of a feeling 感觉 ) to suddenly affect sb strongly, so that they are not aware of anything else 冲动;升腾 Waves of nausea washed over him. 他突然感到阵阵恶心。 2 to happen to or around sb without affecting them (周围发生的事情)对…无多大影响 She manages to let criticism just wash over her. 她克服了别人批评所造成的影响。 ˌwash ˈup 1 ( BrE) ( also do the dishes NAmE, BrE ) to wash plates, glasses, etc. after a meal 洗刷饭后的杯盘等 related noun washing-up 2 ( NAmE) to wash your face and hands 洗脸和手 Go and get washed up. 去洗洗脸和手。 ˌwash sth↔ˈup 1 ( BrE) to wash dishes after a meal 洗刷(吃饭用过的盘子等) I didn't wash up the pans. 我没有刷锅。 2 (of water ) to carry sth onto land 把…冲到陆地上 The body was found washed up on a beach. 有人发现尸体被冲上了海滩。 noun 1 [countable ,  usually singular ] ( especially BrE) an act of cleaning sb/sth using water and usually soap 洗;洗涤;清洗;洗刷 These towels are ready for a wash. 这些毛巾需要洗了。 I'll just have aquick washbefore dinner. 我只是很快地洗一洗就吃饭。 I'm doing a dark wash (= washing all the dark clothes together). 我在集中洗深色的衣服。 Your shirt's in the wash (= being washed or waiting to be washed). 你的衬衣正在洗。 My sweater shrank in the wash. 我的套衫洗后缩水了。 That blouse shouldn't look like that after only two washes. 那件女衬衫只洗过两水,不应该变成这个样子。 see also car wash 2 the wash [singular ] an area of water that has waves and is moving a lot, especially after a boat has moved through it; the sound made by this (尤指船过后划出的)水流,波浪;波浪拍打声 The dinghy was rocked by the wash of a passing ferry. 驶过的渡船掀起的波浪把小艇冲得摇摇晃晃。 They listened to the wash of waves on the beach. 他们听着波浪拍击海滩的声音。 3 [countable ] a thin layer of a liquid, especially paint, that is put on a surface 薄涂层(尤指涂料) The walls were covered with a pale yellow wash. 墙壁刷了一层薄的浅黄色涂料。 see also whitewash n.  (1 ) 4 [countable ,  uncountable ] a liquid containing soap, used for cleaning your skin 肥皂液 an antiseptic skin wash 抗菌净肤液 see also mouthwash IDIOM it will (all) come out in the ˈwash ( informal) 1 used to say that the truth about a situation will be made known at some time in the future 终将水落石出;将会真相大白 2 used to make sb less anxious by telling them that any problems or difficulties will be solved in the future (用以劝人不要太着急)问题终会解决的,困难将会被克服的 wash / wɒʃ ; NAmE wɑːʃ ; wɔːʃ /
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