wall 英 [wɔ:l]   美 [wɔl]


wall  英 [wɔ:l] 美 [wɔl]

n. 墙壁,围墙 

进行时:walling  过去式:walled  过去分词:walled  第三人称单数:walls  名词复数:walls 

She leaned against the wall. 她倚靠着墙。
They put the mirror on the wall. 他们把镜子挂在墙上。

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  • n. 墙壁,围墙
  • 1. She leaned against the wall.


  • 2. They put the mirror on the wall.


  • wall (n.) Old English weall, Anglian wall "rampart, dike, earthwork" (natural as well as man-made), "dam, cliff, rocky shore," also "defensive fortification around a city, side of a building," an Anglo-Frisian and Saxon borrowing (Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Middle Low German, Middle Dutch wal) from Latin vallum "wall, rampart, row or line of stakes," apparently a collective form of vallus "stake," from PIE *walso- "a post." Swedish vall, Danish val are from Low German.
  • wall (v.) "to enclose with a wall," late Old English *weallian (implied in geweallod), from the source of wall (n.). Meaning "fill up (a doorway, etc.) with a wall" is from c. 1500. Meaning "shut up in a wall, immure" is from 1520s. Related: Walled; walling.
wall / wɔːl ; NAmE wɔːl / noun , verb wall walls walled walling noun 1 a long vertical solid structure, made of stone, brick or concrete, that surrounds, divides or protects an area of land 城墙;围墙 The fields were divided by stone walls. 这些田地由石墙分隔。 He sat on the wall and watched the others playing. 他坐在墙头上看别人玩耍。 see also sea wall 2 any of the vertical sides of a building or room 墙;壁;墙壁 I'm going to paint the walls white and the ceiling pink. 我打算把墙壁刷成白色,把天花板刷成粉红色。 Hang the picture on the wallopposite the window. 把这张画挂在对着窗的墙上。 She leaned against the wall. 她倚靠着墙。 collocationsat decorate 3 something that forms a barrier or stops you from making progress 屏障;隔阂;壁垒 The boat struck a solid wall of water. 船撞上一道水幕。 The investigators were confronted by a wall of silence. 调查人员碰了壁,问谁谁都默不作声。 4 the outer layer of sth hollow such as an organ of the body or a cell of an animal or a plant (身体器官或动植物细胞等的)外壁 the abdominal wall 腹腔壁 the wall of an artery 动脉血管壁 IDIOMS go to the ˈwall ( informal) (of a company or an organization 公司或机构 ) to fail because of lack of money (因缺少资金)走投无路,失败,破产,陷于绝境 off the ˈwall ( informal) unusual and amusing; slightly crazy 奇妙的;有点儿出格的 Some of his ideas are really off the wall. 他有些想法真是十分新奇。 off-the-wall ideas 奇妙的想法 up the ˈwall ( informal) crazy or angry 发狂;愤怒 That noise is driving me up the wall. 那噪音让我都快疯了。 I mustn't be late or Dad will go up the wall. 我不能晚了,否则爸爸会发脾气的。 ˌwalls have ˈears ( saying) used to warn people to be careful what they say because other people may be listening 隔墙有耳 more at back n. , bounce v. , brick n. , fly n. , hit v. , four , handwriting , head n. , writing verb [usually passive ] wallsth to surround an area, a town, etc. with a wall or walls 用墙把…围住 a walled city 有城墙的城市 PHRASAL VERBS ˌwall sth↔ˈin [usually passive ] to surround sth/sb with a wall or barrier 把(人或东西)围到屏障等里面 ˌwall sth↔ˈoff [usually passive ] to separate one place or area from another with a wall 用墙把…隔开 ˌwall sb↔ˈup [usually passive ] to keep sb as a prisoner behind walls 把…关在大墙后;监禁 ˌwall sth↔ˈup [usually passive ] to fill an opening with a wall, bricks, etc. so that you can no longer use it (用墙、砖等把通路)堵住,封死 wall / wɔːl ; NAmE wɔːl /
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