voraciously [və'reiʃəsli]  


voraciously  [və'reiʃəsli]

adv. 狼吞虎咽地;贪得无厌地 

For Abby, a breakthrough moment came at age 9: She started reading voraciously, and today reads well above the seventh-grade level. 对于Abby来说,突破性进展发生于9岁的时候:她开始狼吞虎咽地阅读起来,到今天,她的阅读能力已经强于7年级的孩子了。
Violent hunger, for example, though upon many occasions not only natural, but unavoidable, is always indecent, and to eat voraciously is universally regarded as a piece of ill manners. 例如,在许多场合下强烈表现饥饿感尽管是总难以避免的,但却总是不体面的,吃饭的时候狼吞虎咽也会被认为是不礼貌。

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  • adv. 狼吞虎咽地;贪得无厌地
  • 1. For Abby, a breakthrough moment came at age 9: She started reading voraciously, and today reads well above the seventh-grade level.


  • 2. Violent hunger, for example, though upon many occasions not only natural, but unavoidable, is always indecent, and to eat voraciously is universally regarded as a piece of ill manners.


  • 3. The older Mr Lee thinks the West’s mistake has been to set up “all you can eat” welfare states: because everything at the buffet is free, it is consumed voraciously.


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