video game ['vɪdiːoʊɡeɪm]  

video game

video game  ['vɪdiːoʊɡeɪm]

phrase. 视频游戏;电视游戏 

名词复数:video games 

Then she asked if it could be hooked up to a video game. 然后她问我是否可以把它悬挂起来设计成一款视频游戏。
We have a deal where if he behaves well at church, I take him to Blockbuster and let him pick out a movie or a video game. 我们在那做了一个交易,他表现的像在教堂一样--我带他去百视达然后让他自己选一部电影或者一个电视游戏。

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  • phrase. 视频游戏;电视游戏
  • 1. Then she asked if it could be hooked up to a video game.


  • 2. We have a deal where if he behaves well at church, I take him to Blockbuster and let him pick out a movie or a video game.


  • 3. Or when users watch the trailer for an upcoming video game, they want to know when it will be released and where they can buy it.


ˈvideo game / ; NAmE / noun a game in which you press buttons to control and move images on a screen 电子游戏 ˈvideo game / ; NAmE /
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