viciously ['vɪʃəsli]  


viciously  ['vɪʃəsli]

adv. 邪恶地;敌意地 

This fascinating and disturbing book is an examination of why some people are viciously, violently cruel to others. 这既迷人又让人不安的书,进行了这样一个检查:为什么有些人对别人是如此的邪恶,极端的残酷。
He then appeals to the existence of a perfect God and a non deceiving God to justify reliance on his mental faculties and that just looks viciously circular. 接下来他诉之于上帝完美的存在且不存在欺骗,以此来证明其精神感官的依赖,那看起来像是邪恶的循环论证。

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  • adv. 邪恶地;敌意地
  • 1. This fascinating and disturbing book is an examination of why some people are viciously, violently cruel to others.


  • 2. He then appeals to the existence of a perfect God and a non deceiving God to justify reliance on his mental faculties and that just looks viciously circular.


  • 3. He learned a few words in Italian and was mocked viciously the first time he used them.


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