- Ventriloquists prove that even adults sometimes play with dolls. Specifically, these performers pretend to make their dolls, puppets, or dummies speak for entertainment purposes.
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- n. 腹语术者;口技艺人
1. "She'd do it, too," said Thenardier in a low tone to Brujon and the ventriloquist.
“她会干得出来的。” 德纳第对着普吕戎和那用肚子说话的人低声说。
2. He slipped an arm around my shoulder and with a clenched-teeth ventriloquist smile drawled “Yesss, you beautiful thing?
3. The Army was showing off its new MREs for Afghanistan, and there were sleeping models, a ventriloquist's dummy and a belly dancer.
- ventriloquist (n.) 1650s in the classical sense, from ventriloquy + -ist. In the modern sense from c. 1800. Ventriloquists in ancient Greece were Pythones, a reference to the Delphic Oracle. Another English word for them was gastromyth.
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