vengeful 英 [ˈvendʒfl]   美 [ˈvɛndʒfəl]


vengeful  英 [ˈvendʒfl] 美 [ˈvɛndʒfəl]

adj. 复仇的,报复的;复仇心重的 

vengeful behavior is not only undignified, it takes too much time and effort away from the things that actually matter. 复仇行为不仅不会带回尊严,还会浪费时间和精力,无助于完成真正重要的事情。
It risks leaving Swatis even angrier with their government and more vengeful than before, hardening the Taliban’s hold over the region. 它很可能使斯瓦特民众比以前更加憎恨政府,导致更多报复,反倒巩固了塔利班对该地区的控制。

  • Hope that there's no one out there who has vengeful feelings toward you, or wants to get back at you for something that you've done to them. A vengeful person is out for revenge.
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  • adj. 复仇的,报复的;复仇心重的
  • 1. vengeful behavior is not only undignified, it takes too much time and effort away from the things that actually matter.


  • 2. It risks leaving Swatis even angrier with their government and more vengeful than before, hardening the Taliban’s hold over the region.


  • 3. Hundreds if not thousands of Manchu civilians, many of whom lived in separate communities walled off from their Han neighbours, were massacred during the revolution by vengeful Han troops.


  • vengeful (adj.) 1580s, from obsolete venge (v.) "take revenge" + -ful. Related: Vengefully; vengefulness.
venge·ful / ˈvendʒfl ; NAmE ˈvendʒfl / adjective ( formal) showing a desire to punish sb who has harmed you 心存报复的;图谋复仇的 vengeful·ly / ˈvendʒfəli ; NAmE ˈvendʒfəli / adverb venge·ful / ˈvendʒfl ; NAmE ˈvendʒfl / vengeful·ly / ˈvendʒfəli ; NAmE ˈvendʒfəli /
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