- To variegate is to make something more irregular, especially its color. You can variegate your yard by planting different colors of blooming flowers all over it.
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- vt. 使多样化,使丰富多彩;使成杂色
1. The fecundity of A. variegate was lower under applying low dose pesticide.
2. The Hippodamia variegate is fed with the artificial feed, thereby the artificial propagation of the Hippodamia variegate is ensured.
3. It revealed high levels of genetic diversity in two clam species. The average similarity were 0.6051 in R. philippinarum and 0.6882 in R. variegate, and only 0.2968 between two populations.
两种蛤仔都显示了较高的群体遗传多样性, 菲律宾蛤仔群体内遗传相似度为0.6051, 杂色蛤仔为0.6882, 群体间的平均遗传相似度只有0.2968。
- variegate (v.) 1650s "give variety to," from Late Latin variegatus "made of various sorts or colors," past participle of variegare "diversify with different colors," from varius "spotted, changing, varying" (see vary) + root of agere "to do, perform" (from PIE root *ag- "to drive, draw out or forth, move"). Meaning "mark with different colors" is from 1660s (implied in Variegated). Related: vareiegating.
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