valid 英 [ˈvælɪd]   美 [ˈvælɪd]


valid  英 [ˈvælɪd] 美 [ˈvælɪd]

adj. 有效的;合理的 

a valid passport 有效的护照
a bus pass valid for 1 month 公共汽车月票

  • A valid argument is one that is well-grounded in fact, law or logic. "Their argument for annulment was valid because they had never even met and their marriage was the result of a clerical error at town hall."
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  • adj. 有效的;合理的
  • 1. a valid passport


  • 2. a bus pass valid for 1 month


  • 3. They have a valid claim to compensation.


  • 4. The point you make is perfectly valid.


  • 5. The contract had been validly drawn up.


  • valid (adj.) 1570s, "having force in law, legally binding," from Middle French valide (16c.), from Latin validus "strong, effective, powerful, active," from valere "be strong" (from PIE root *wal- "to be strong"). The meaning "sufficiently supported by facts or authority, well-grounded" is first recorded 1640s.
valid AWL / ˈvælɪd ; NAmE ˈvælɪd / adjective 1 that is legally or officially acceptable (法律上)有效的;(正式)认可的 a valid passport 有效的护照 a bus pass valid for 1 month 公共汽车月票 They have a valid claim to compensation. 他们有要求赔偿的合法权利。 2 based on what is logical or true 符合逻辑的;合理的;有根据的;确凿的 She had valid reasons for not supporting the proposals. 她有充分的理由不支持这些建议。 The point you make is perfectly valid. 你提出的论点完全站得住脚。 3 ( computing ) that is accepted by the system 有效的;系统认可的 a valid password 有效密码 OPP invalid val·id·ly AWL / ˈvælɪdli ; NAmE ˈvælɪdli / adverb The contract had been validly drawn up. 这份合同已依据法律草拟妥当。 valid / ˈvælɪd ; NAmE ˈvælɪd / val·id·ly / ˈvælɪdli ; NAmE ˈvælɪdli /
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