vagueness 英 [veɪɡnəs]   美 [veɪɡnəs]


vagueness  英 [veɪɡnəs] 美 [veɪɡnəs]

n. 模糊;含糊;暧昧;茫然 


If we ask people how old they are, there is often the same infuriating vagueness - "more than 20". 如果我们问他们多大了,答复也往往同样是令人撮火的模糊不清——“20多了”。
The technology enables multi-cultural name searches and eliminates vagueness and other inconsistencies in name transliterations. 它支持多文化姓名搜索,能够消除姓名音译造成的含糊和不一致。

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  • n. 模糊;含糊;暧昧;茫然
  • 1. If we ask people how old they are, there is often the same infuriating vagueness - "more than 20".


  • 2. The technology enables multi-cultural name searches and eliminates vagueness and other inconsistencies in name transliterations.


  • 3. There is a balance between precision and vagueness -- more precise is not always better -- and many things need to be considered, such as time, cost and effort.


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