uselessly ['jʊslɪsli]  


uselessly  ['jʊslɪsli]

adv. 无用地;无益地 

I mounted the back steps through a heavy accounting of discarded microwave-dinner trays and a tidal drift of feed bags and knocked uselessly at the door. 我爬上后面的台阶,穿过一大堆估计是用于微波炉中的托盘,四处飘荡的食品袋无助地拍打着屋门。
At last there was Waterloo, and Morrel came no more; he had done all that was in his power, and any fresh attempt would only compromise himself uselessly. 最后发生了滑铁卢之战,莫雷尔就不再来了。 他已尽了他力所能及的一切,这时任何新的尝试不仅徒劳无益而且很可能会有害他自己。

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  • adv. 无用地;无益地
  • 1. I mounted the back steps through a heavy accounting of discarded microwave-dinner trays and a tidal drift of feed bags and knocked uselessly at the door.


  • 2. At last there was Waterloo, and Morrel came no more; he had done all that was in his power, and any fresh attempt would only compromise himself uselessly.

    最后发生了滑铁卢之战,莫雷尔就不再来了。 他已尽了他力所能及的一切,这时任何新的尝试不仅徒劳无益而且很可能会有害他自己。

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