- Say the daughter of your favorite musician just enrolled at your school. If you just use her to get to meet her rock star dad, that's pretty unkind.
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- n. 使用
- v. 使用,
1. use a computer
2. Can I use your phone?
3. That's a word I never use.
4. I hope you haven't used all the milk.
5. The software is designed for use in schools.
use ★ verb , noun use uses used using verb ★ / juːz ; NAmE juːz / ( used , used / juːzd ; NAmE juːzd / ) 1 ★ [transitive ] to do sth with a machine, a method, an object, etc. for a particular purpose 使用;利用;运用 usesth ◆ Can I use your phone? 我可以用一下你的电话吗? ◆ Have you ever used this software before? 你以前用过这套软件吗? ◆ How often do you use (= travel by)the bus? 你多长时间坐一次公共汽车? ◆ They were able to achieve a settlement without using military force. 他们没有诉诸武力就解决了问题。 ◆ I have some information you may be able to use (= to get an advantage from). 我有些可能对你有用的信息。 usesth for sth/for doing sth ◆ The blue files are used for storing old invoices. 蓝色卷宗是用来存放旧发票的。 usesth to do sth ◆ Police used tear gas to disperse the crowds. 警察用了催泪瓦斯驱散人群。 usesth as sth ◆ The building is currently being used as a warehouse. 这所房子目前用作仓库。 ◆ You can't keep using your bad back as an excuse. 你不能老拿腰疼当托辞呀。 2 ★ [transitive ] usesth to take a particular amount of a liquid, substance, etc. in order to achieve or make sth 消耗 ◆ This type of heater uses a lot of electricity. 这种加热器耗电量很大。 ◆ I hope you haven't used all the milk. 希望你没有把牛奶都用掉了。 3 ★ [transitive ] usesth to say or write particular words or a particular type of language 说,写,使用(词语或语言) ◆ The poem uses simple language. 这首诗用语简单。 ◆ That's a word I never use. 那是我从来不用的字眼。 ◆ You have to use the past tense. 要使用过去时。 4 [transitive ] usesb ( disapproving) to be kind, friendly, etc. to sb with the intention of getting an advantage for yourself from them (施展手段)利用(别人) SYN exploit ◆ Can't you see he's just using you for his own ends? 你难道看不出他在利用你谋求私利吗? ◆ I felt used. 我觉得被人利用了。 5 [transitive , intransitive ] use(sth) to take illegal drugs 吸(毒);服用(毒品) ◆ Most of the inmates have used drugs at some point in their lives. 大多数囚犯都在人生的某个阶段服用过毒品。 ◆ ( slang) She's been using since she was 13. 她从 13 岁起就吸毒。 IDIOMS I, you, etc. could use sth ( informal) used to say that you would like to have sth very much 恨不得;巴不得;非常想 ◆ I think we could all use a drink after that! 我想我们在事情办完之后都得痛快地喝一杯! use your ˈhead ( BrE also use your ˈloaf ) ( informal) used to tell sb to think about sth, especially when they have asked for your opinion or said sth stupid 你动动脑子;你仔细想想 ◆ ‘Why don't you want to see him again?’ ‘Oh, use your head!’ “你为什么不愿再见到他?”“唔,你好好想想吧!” ORIGIN From rhyming slang, in which loaf of breadstands for ‘head’. 源自同韵俚语 loaf of bread,代表 head 的意思 。 PHRASAL VERB ★ ˌuse sth↔ˈup to use all of sth so that there is none left 用尽;吃光 ◆ Making soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables. 把剩下的蔬菜全部用来做汤是个好主意。 noun ★ / juːs ; NAmE juːs / 1 ★ [uncountable , singular ] the act of using sth; the state of being used 用;使用;得到利用 ◆ A ban was imposed on the use of chemical weapons. 化学武器已被禁止使用。 ◆ The software is designed for use in schools. 这个软件是为学校应用设计的。 ◆ I'm not sure that this is the most valuable use of my time. 我不能肯定我的时间这样来安排是最有价值的。 ◆ The chapel was built in the 12th century and is still in usetoday. 这座小教堂建于 12 世纪,今天仍在使用。 ◆ The bar is for the use ofmembers only. 酒吧仅供会员使用。 2 ★ [countable , uncountable ] a purpose for which sth is used; a way in which sth is or can be used 用途;功能;用法 ◆ I'm sure you'll think of a use for it. 我相信你会给这东西找到用途的。 ◆ This chemical has a wide range of industrial uses. 这种化学制品在工业上用途广泛。 ☞see also single-use 3 [uncountable ] use(of sth) the right or opportunity to use sth, for example sth that belongs to sb else 使用权;使用的机会 ◆ I have the use of the car this week. 这辆汽车本周归我使用。 4 [uncountable ] the ability to use your mind or body 运用头脑(或身体)的能力;功能 ◆ He lost the use of his legs (= became unable to walk)in an accident. 他在一次事故中失去了双腿的功能。 IDIOMS ★ be no ˈuse (to sb) ( also formal be of no ˈuse ) to be useless 无用 ◆ You can throw those away—they're no use to anyone. 那些东西你可以扔了,它们对谁都没用。 be of ˈuse (to sb) ( formal) to be useful 有用;有帮助 ◆ Can I be of any use (= can I help)? 有什么要我帮忙的吗? come into/go out of, etc. ˈuse to start/stop being used 开始╱停止使用 ◆ When did this word come into common use? 这个词是什么时候普遍使用起来的? have its/their/your ˈuses ( informal, often humorous) to be useful sometimes 有时用得着的;偶尔可派上用场 ◆ I know you don't like him, but he has his uses. 我知道你不喜欢他,但他有时还用得着。 have no ˈuse for sb to dislike sb 讨厌(或憎恶)…的人 ◆ I've no use for people who don't make an effort. 我厌恶那些不努力的人。 have no ˈuse for sth to not need sth 不需要;用不着 ★ it's no ˈuse (doing sth) | what's the ˈuse (of doing sth)? used to say that there is no point in doing sth because it will not be successful or have a good result 没有意义;没有用处 ◆ What's the use of worrying about it? 为此事操心有什么用呢? ◆ It's no use—I can't persuade her. 没用,我劝不了她。 ★ make ˈuse of sth/sb to use sth/sb, especially in order to get an advantage 使用;利用(以谋私利等) ◆ We could make better use of our resources. 我们可以更有效地利用我们的资源。 put sth to good ˈuse to be able to use sth for a purpose, and get an advantage from doing so 有效使用(或利用) ◆ She'll be able to put her languages to good use in her new job. 她在新工作中应该可以好好运用她会的各种语言。 use / juːz ; NAmE juːz / used / juːzd ; NAmE juːzd /
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