urologist [juə'rɔlədʒist]  


urologist  [juə'rɔlədʒist]

n. [泌尿] 泌尿科医师 


Dr. Elizabeth Kavaler, a urologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, says arousal in women is so complicated that it may be unrealistic to expect a pill to completely address sexual problems. 纽约雷诺克斯山医院的泌尿科医生伊丽莎白·卡瓦勒称,激发女性性兴奋的因素极为复杂,也许期望小小一片药就能完全解决有关性冷淡的问题是不切实际的。
No wine for me tonight. My urologist says it’s not good to mix alcohol and penicillin. 我今天不能喝酒,我的男科大夫说最好别把酒精和青霉素混起来。

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  • n. [泌尿] 泌尿科医师
  • 1. Dr. Elizabeth Kavaler, a urologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, says arousal in women is so complicated that it may be unrealistic to expect a pill to completely address sexual problems.


  • 2. No wine for me tonight. My urologist says it’s not good to mix alcohol and penicillin.


  • 3. A woman's gynecologist or a man's urologist can help determine whether there's an issue that requires a specialist or treatment at a fertility clinic.


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