upwardly ['ʌpwɚdli]  


upwardly  ['ʌpwɚdli]

adv. 向上地;在上面地 

White Roman Catholics, for example, have been upwardly mobile in terms of wealth, income, education and other measures of well-being in recent decades. 例如白人罗马天主教徒在最近几十年中在财富、收入、教育、和其它衡量幸福的指标方面都在向上流动。
With a skyline that looks like something straight out of Bladerunner, Shanghai is clearly an upwardly mobile city. But it's also a place where old and new China collide – with spectacular results. 上海的天际线有点像出自伯莱德伦纳的影片,很明显,这个城市在不断地向上运动着,这里也是新旧中国发生冲撞并产生出惊人业绩的地方。

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  • adv. 向上地;在上面地
  • 1. White Roman Catholics, for example, have been upwardly mobile in terms of wealth, income, education and other measures of well-being in recent decades.


  • 2. With a skyline that looks like something straight out of Bladerunner, Shanghai is clearly an upwardly mobile city. But it's also a place where old and new China collide – with spectacular results.


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