unwisely [ʌn'waɪzli]  


unwisely  [ʌn'waɪzli]

adv. 不明智地;愚笨地 

Mr. Smith's job obviously couldn't meet his intimacy needs, so in a moment of temptation he unwisely stumbled into an affair. 史密斯先生的工作显然不能满足其对亲密关系的需求,因此,在一次引诱中,他不明智的失足于一桩外遇。

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  • adv. 不明智地;愚笨地
  • 1. Mr. Smith's job obviously couldn't meet his intimacy needs, so in a moment of temptation he unwisely stumbled into an affair.


  • unwisely (adv.) Old English unwislice "foolishly;" see unwise + -ly (2).
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