unrecognized 英 [ʌn'rekəgnaɪzd]   美 [ʌn'rɛkəg'naɪzd]


unrecognized  英 [ʌn'rekəgnaɪzd] 美 [ʌn'rɛkəg'naɪzd]

adj. 未被承认的;未被认出的;未被认可的 

They spoke an unrecognized language and refused to eat anything other than pitch from bean pods. 他们说着一种不为人知的语言,拒绝吃任何食物除了豆荚的豆子。
Yet more often than not, they go unsupported, unrecognized and unremunerated in this essential role. 然而,在她们承担这一重要角色时,往往得不到支持,认可和报酬。

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  • adj. 未被承认的;未被认出的;未被认可的
  • 1. They spoke an unrecognized language and refused to eat anything other than pitch from bean pods.


  • 2. Yet more often than not, they go unsupported, unrecognized and unremunerated in this essential role.


  • 3. On the other hand, if you were to enter an unrecognized type, you will be prompted to create a primitive type, as shown in Figure 30.

    另一方面,如果您原本打算键入一个不能识别的类型,您将被提示创建一个初始类型,如图 30所示。

un·rec·og·nized ( BrE also -ised ) / ʌnˈrekəɡnaɪzd ; NAmE ʌnˈrekəɡnaɪzd / adjective 1 that people are not aware of or do not realize is important 未被意识到的;被忽略的;不受重视的 The problem of ageism in the workplace often goes unrecognized. 工作场所的年龄歧视问题常被忽视。 2 (of a person ) not having received the admiration they deserve for sth that they have done or achieved 被埋没的;未得到赏识的 unrecognised unrecognized un·rec·og·nized / ʌnˈrekəɡnaɪzd ; NAmE ʌnˈrekəɡnaɪzd /
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