unreasonably [ʌn'riznəbli]  


unreasonably  [ʌn'riznəbli]

adv. 不合理地 

With such a great victory come unreasonably great expectations. 如此的重大的胜利带来了不合理的巨大期望。
In this situation, the party with ownership of a key resource may gain the ability to “hold up” its partner, demanding an unreasonably high price. 在这种情形下,拥有其核心资源的其他企业也许就获得了套牢这个合作伙伴的能力,要求不合理的高价格。

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  • adv. 不合理地
  • 1. With such a great victory come unreasonably great expectations.


  • 2. In this situation, the party with ownership of a key resource may gain the ability to “hold up” its partner, demanding an unreasonably high price.


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