


phrase. 解开  phrase. 阐明  phrase. 解决 


The man responsible for unraveling the mystery behind "OK" was an American linguist named Allen Walker Read. 负责解开“OK”背后的秘密的人是一位叫做艾伦•沃克•瑞德的美国语言学家。
When it comes to unexpected heartache and tragedy, our appetite for unraveling the meaning of these ambiguous "messages" can become ravenous. 当牵涉到意外的心痛和悲剧的时候,我们会贪婪的想要阐明这些模糊“信息”的含义。

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  • phrase. 解开
  • phrase. 阐明
  • phrase. 解决
  • phrase. 拆散(unravel的现在分词)
  • 1. The man responsible for unraveling the mystery behind "OK" was an American linguist named Allen Walker Read.


  • 2. When it comes to unexpected heartache and tragedy, our appetite for unraveling the meaning of these ambiguous "messages" can become ravenous.


  • 3. Then he's unraveling me in the silence, with hands and eyes and tongue, his face strange in the firelight, primitive almost, without the glasses.

    他在沉默中七手八脚地解开了我的衣服。 他的脸在火光中变得陌生,几近原始,没戴眼镜。

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