unlawfully 美[ʌn'lɔfəli]  


unlawfully  美[ʌn'lɔfəli]

adv. 不正当地;不合法地 

Soldiers should not unlawfully arrest and detain civilians in military facilities. 士兵不得非法逮捕平民,或在军事设施中拘留平民。
No child should be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, or detained unlawfully or arbitrarily. 不应对任何儿童进行折磨或其它残忍的,非人的或低下的待遇或惩罚,或非法专横的扣留。

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  • adv. 不正当地;不合法地
  • 1. Soldiers should not unlawfully arrest and detain civilians in military facilities.


  • 2. No child should be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, or detained unlawfully or arbitrarily.


  • 3. "We know that the child was killed unlawfully and that he suffered horrible, horrible injuries, " said one detective.

    “我们知道,这个孩子被非法杀死,并遭受了非常非常可怕的伤害。” 一位侦察员表示。

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