unknowing 英 [ʌn'nəʊɪŋ]   美 [ʌn'noɪŋ]


unknowing  英 [ʌn'nəʊɪŋ] 美 [ʌn'noɪŋ]

adj. 不知道的;没有察觉的 


unknowing imitation is almost a recipe for bad design. 不知不觉地模仿往往是坏设计的配方。
God is ‘rescuing’ you every day from your own unknowing. Do you know this? 神每天都在把你从你的无知中‘ 解救 ’出来,你知道吗?

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  • adj. 不知道的;没有察觉的
  • 1. unknowing imitation is almost a recipe for bad design.


  • 2. God is ‘rescuing’ you every day from your own unknowing. Do you know this?

    神每天都在把你从你的无知中‘ 解救 ’出来,你知道吗?

  • 3. The mature bee larva pictured above is from a species that attacks the larvae of other bee species, removes them from the nest, and takes their place to be raised by the unknowing host mother.


  • unknowing (adj.) c. 1300, "without knowledge, ignorant," from un- (1) "not" + present participle of know (v.). Noun meaning "ignorance" is mid-14c., especially in phrase cloud of unknowing, title of a medieval book of Christian mysticism. Related: Unknowingly. A verb unknow "fail to recognize" is attested from late 14c.
un·know·ing / ʌnˈnəʊɪŋ ; NAmE ʌnˈnoʊɪŋ / adjective [usually before noun ] ( formal) not aware of what you are doing or what is happening 没意识到的;未察觉的;无知的 He was the unknowing cause of all the misunderstanding. 他无意中引起了这一切误会。 compare knowing un·know·ing·ly / ʌnˈnəʊɪŋli ; NAmE ʌnˈnoʊɪŋli / adverb She had unknowingly broken the rules. 她无意中犯了规。 un·know·ing / ʌnˈnəʊɪŋ ; NAmE ʌnˈnoʊɪŋ / un·know·ing·ly / ʌnˈnəʊɪŋli ; NAmE ʌnˈnoʊɪŋli /
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