universalism 英 [,juːnɪ'vɜːsəlɪzəm]   美 [,jʊnə'vɝsəl,ɪzm]


universalism  英 [,juːnɪ'vɜːsəlɪzəm] 美 [,jʊnə'vɝsəl,ɪzm]

n. 普遍主义;普遍性;普救论 


More than that, the cheery, harmonious universalism that Hollywood has promoted and relied upon for so long seems out of tune with the surrounding cacophony. 更有甚者,好莱坞所发起并且依赖的的欢快和谐的普世主义,似乎与周围不和谐音调不一致。
But you might say just as Machiavelli broke with the dominant model of Christian universalism, so too did he reject the ancient model of the small, autonomous republican state. 但各位也可读到,当马奇亚维利打破,处于优势之基督普遍主义模式的同时,他也拒绝了,古代模式的,小型自治共和国。

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  • n. 普遍主义;普遍性;普救论
  • 1. More than that, the cheery, harmonious universalism that Hollywood has promoted and relied upon for so long seems out of tune with the surrounding cacophony.


  • 2. But you might say just as Machiavelli broke with the dominant model of Christian universalism, so too did he reject the ancient model of the small, autonomous republican state.


  • 3. Rather than the top-down universalism embodied in Kyoto, countries would choose policies that suit their particular circumstances.


  • universalism (n.) 1805 in theology, "the doctrine of universal salvation," from universal (adj.) + -ism. Universalist "one who, professing the Christian faith, believes in the eventual redemption of all humanity" is attested from 1620s.
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