unionism 英 ['ju:nɪənɪzəm]   美 [ˈjunjəˌnɪzəm]


unionism  英 ['ju:nɪənɪzəm] 美 [ˈjunjəˌnɪzəm]

n. 工会主义;联合主义;联邦主义 


You don’t have to be a conservative to think it a bad idea to promote unionism in an economy struggling to climb out of a deep economic hole; you can be a Keynesian. 并非只有保守派才会觉得在一个经济体挣扎着爬出衰退深坑时支持工会主义是个馊主意;如果你是凯恩斯主义者,你也会这么想。
It rightly cares more about education than about unionism, and as a result has clashed with the teachers’ unions; this is one of the Administration’s most laudable endeavors. 比起工会主义,政府明智地选择更关心教育,因此与教师工会发生了冲突;这是本届政府最值得嘉许的行动之一。

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  • n. 工会主义;联合主义;联邦主义
  • 1. You don’t have to be a conservative to think it a bad idea to promote unionism in an economy struggling to climb out of a deep economic hole; you can be a Keynesian.


  • 2. It rightly cares more about education than about unionism, and as a result has clashed with the teachers’ unions; this is one of the Administration’s most laudable endeavors.


  • 3. However, competitive unionism does not allow a single union to control the majority of companies in the same industry, which is monopoly unionism.

    但是竞争型工会不允许像垄断工会主义那样,由其中一个工会控制该行业的大多数公司。 在美国,垄断型工会很普遍。

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