unintentionally 英 [ʌnɪnˈtɛnʃ(ə)n(ə)li]   美 [ˌʌnɪn'tenʃənəli]


unintentionally  英 [ʌnɪnˈtɛnʃ(ə)n(ə)li] 美 [ˌʌnɪn'tenʃənəli]

adv. 无意地;非故意地;非存心地 

In fact, before I even start building the project, all unit tests are run to ensure that the integrity of the application code has not been unintentionally compromised. 实际上,在我每次开始构建项目之前,都将运行所有的单元测试,以确保应用程序代码的完整性没遭到无意破坏。
I have a business card collection. It started out unintentionally: I have one box that I throw any business cards into, after I add the relevant contact information to my address book. 我有一个收集商业名片的爱好,这项爱好是无意中开始的:我把所有的商业名片都放在一个小盒子里,之后再把名片上的联系信息记录到记事本上。

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  • adv. 无意地;非故意地;非存心地
  • 1. In fact, before I even start building the project, all unit tests are run to ensure that the integrity of the application code has not been unintentionally compromised.


  • 2. I have a business card collection. It started out unintentionally: I have one box that I throw any business cards into, after I add the relevant contact information to my address book.


  • 3. People, however, intentionally or unintentionally, limit their understanding of law on the latter.


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