unimpressive ['ʌnɪm'prɛsɪv]  


unimpressive  ['ʌnɪm'prɛsɪv]

adj. 无印象的;给人印象不深的;不惹人注意的 

But the code itself is rather unimpressive to look at: just a jumble of characters on a screen. 但是代码本身看起来或多或少有点儿乏味:只是屏幕上一团混乱的字符而已。
So Kennedy went to the high school with a camera so unimpressive he said it looked like a model you can buy at Circuit City, a consumer electronics chain store. 于是,肯尼迪拿着一个摄像机来到那所高中。 他说,那个摄像机非常不起眼,看上去就像在普通电器连锁店买到的那种。

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  • adj. 无印象的;给人印象不深的;不惹人注意的
  • 1. But the code itself is rather unimpressive to look at: just a jumble of characters on a screen.


  • 2. So Kennedy went to the high school with a camera so unimpressive he said it looked like a model you can buy at Circuit City, a consumer electronics chain store.

    于是,肯尼迪拿着一个摄像机来到那所高中。 他说,那个摄像机非常不起眼,看上去就像在普通电器连锁店买到的那种。

  • 3. Most of these features take only a few lines of coding and configuration, which are perhaps unimpressive in isolation.


un·im·pres·sive / ˌʌnɪmˈpresɪv ; NAmE ˌʌnɪmˈpresɪv / adjective ordinary; not special in any way 普通的;平庸的;毫无特色的 His academic record was unimpressive. 他的学业成绩平平。 OPP impressive un·im·pres·sive / ˌʌnɪmˈpresɪv ; NAmE ˌʌnɪmˈpresɪv /
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