unimaginably [ʌni'mædʒinəbli]  


unimaginably  [ʌni'mædʒinəbli]

adv. 不能想像地;难以理解地 

What they say is almost unimaginably painful to me. 他们所说的对我来说几乎是无法想象的痛苦。
Regular hydrogen fuses very, very slowly even in a place as unimaginably hot as the center of the sun. 普通氢非常,非常缓慢即使在一个地方像在太阳中心一样无法想像的热。

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  • adv. 不能想像地;难以理解地
  • 1. What they say is almost unimaginably painful to me.


  • 2. Regular hydrogen fuses very, very slowly even in a place as unimaginably hot as the center of the sun.


  • 3. Yet the reality is that much of the country is still unimaginably impoverished — a third of the world's poor live in India, more than in all of sub-Saharan Africa.

    不过,整个国家仍穷的超出想像,这也是事实。 全世界三分之一的穷人生活在印度,比撒哈拉以南非洲的贫困人口还多。

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