unhook 英 [ʌn'hʊk]  


unhook  英 [ʌn'hʊk]

vt. 解开;从钩上取下  vi. 把钩松开 

进行时:unhooking  过去式:unhooked  过去分词:unhooked  第三人称单数:unhooks  名词复数:unhooks 

He tried again to unhook the chain of the well, and could not. 他又试了一次,要把井上的铁链取下来,但是他气力不济。
While it might seem a waste of effort to use a collaboration and then unhook one of the main processing paths, remember that reuse is the key here. 由于要使用协作而却要去除一个主要处理路径,这看起来是一种浪费,所以记得重用是这里的关键。

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  • vt. 解开;从钩上取下
  • vi. 把钩松开
  • 1. He tried again to unhook the chain of the well, and could not.


  • 2. While it might seem a waste of effort to use a collaboration and then unhook one of the main processing paths, remember that reuse is the key here.


  • 3. Teacher Fei logged off the computer and watched the boy sneak a hand under the girl’s sweater and wiggle it around, perhaps trying to unhook her troublesome bra.


un·hook / ʌnˈhʊk ; NAmE ʌnˈhʊk / verb unhooksth (from sth) to remove sth from a hook; to undo the hooks on clothes, etc. 从钩子上取下;解开(衣物等)的钩子 He unhooked his coat from the door. 他从门上取下外衣。 She unhooked her bra. 她解开了胸罩。 unhook unhooks unhooked unhooking un·hook / ʌnˈhʊk ; NAmE ʌnˈhʊk /
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