unfilled [ʌn'fɪld]  


unfilled  [ʌn'fɪld]

adj. 空的;没有填充的 

Even if some of those prescriptions went unfilled. One in four suggests that either women, or our doctors, are being sold on an ideal of mental health that's unrealistic. 即使还有一瓶瓶的药没有被使用,即使有些医药处方空了,然而四分之一意味着女性或者我们的医生都在被理想中的不切实际的心理健康出卖。
As shown in Figure 10, a dotted line with a closed, unfilled arrow means realization (or implementation); as we saw in Figure 4, a solid arrow line with a closed, unfilled arrow means inheritance. 如图 10 所示,一条带有闭合的单向箭头的点 线意味着实现(或实施);正如我们在图 4 中所见到的,一条带有闭合单向箭头的实线表示继承。

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  • adj. 空的;没有填充的
  • 1. Even if some of those prescriptions went unfilled. One in four suggests that either women, or our doctors, are being sold on an ideal of mental health that's unrealistic.


  • 2. As shown in Figure 10, a dotted line with a closed, unfilled arrow means realization (or implementation); as we saw in Figure 4, a solid arrow line with a closed, unfilled arrow means inheritance.

    如图 10 所示,一条带有闭合的单向箭头的点 线意味着实现(或实施);正如我们在图 4 中所见到的,一条带有闭合单向箭头的实线表示继承。

  • 3. Since her specialty is IT recruiting, Coffey is keenly aware of the number of jobs currently going unfilled due to a scarcity of skilled candidates, particularly in the East and the Midwest.


un·filled / ʌnˈfɪld ; NAmE ʌnˈfɪld / adjective 1 if a job or position is unfilled,nobody has been chosen for it (职位)空缺的 2 if a pause in a conversation is unfilled,nobody speaks (谈话中)停顿的 3 an unfilledcake has nothing inside it (糕饼)无馅的 4 ( especially NAmE) if an order for goods is unfilled,the goods have not been supplied (订单)未交货的 un·filled / ʌnˈfɪld ; NAmE ʌnˈfɪld /
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