unequaled 英 [,ʌn'iːkwəld]   美 [ʌn'ikwəld]


unequaled  英 [,ʌn'iːkwəld] 美 [ʌn'ikwəld]

adj. 无与伦比的;无敌的 

When I spent even just a few minutes with my two babies this morning, it filled me with a joy unequaled anywhere else in life. 今天早上当我仅仅花几分钟与我的两个小孩在一起的时候,我的感受是生命中的其他事情所不能给予的。
unequaled investments in science and technology: The United States is leading the development of advanced technology options that have the potential to reduce, avoid, or sequester GHG emissions. 前所未有的科学技术投入:美国正在主导开发有可能减少、避免和封存温室气体的先进技术方案。

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  • adj. 无与伦比的;无敌的
  • 1. When I spent even just a few minutes with my two babies this morning, it filled me with a joy unequaled anywhere else in life.


  • 2. unequaled investments in science and technology: The United States is leading the development of advanced technology options that have the potential to reduce, avoid, or sequester GHG emissions.


  • 3. Chinese citizens and Chinese interests are fanning out around the globe at a rate that is unequaled in this country's long history.


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