unenforceable 英 [ʌnɪn'fɔːsəb(ə)l;-en-]  


unenforceable  英 [ʌnɪn'fɔːsəb(ə)l;-en-]

adj. 不能强制履行 

But, it may still be better to have an unenforceable framework for online conflict than none at all. 但是,有一个形同虚设的针对网络冲突的框架还是好过什么都没有。
The US is also resisting the proposal, described as "unenforceable" by Darling. 美国也抵制封顶的提议,用达林的话说就是“无法实施”。

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  • adj. 不能强制履行
  • 1. But, it may still be better to have an unenforceable framework for online conflict than none at all.


  • 2. The US is also resisting the proposal, described as "unenforceable" by Darling.


  • 3. Hurd's separation deal with HP did not include a non-compete provision, which is generally unenforceable in California, but did include a 2-year confidentiality pact.


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