uneasily 美[ʌn'izɪli]  


uneasily  美[ʌn'izɪli]

adv. 不自在地;不稳定地;心神不安地 

The other guests looked around uneasily at each other. 其他的客人不安地相互对视着。
uneasily, he placed the fish in the drawer of an old metal filing cabinet. 他浑身不自在地把鱼放进一个老式金属文件柜的抽屉里。

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  • adv. 不自在地;不稳定地;心神不安地
  • 1. The other guests looked around uneasily at each other.


  • 2. uneasily, he placed the fish in the drawer of an old metal filing cabinet.


  • 3. They took it without thanks, looking at him curiously and uneasily; learning from him maybe at that moment their first lesson in contempt.


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