undiagnosed ['ʌn,daiəg'nəuzd]  


undiagnosed  ['ʌn,daiəg'nəuzd]

adj. [临床] 未确诊的;尚未找出原因的 

Theories: 1) Fat causes undiagnosed diabetes, which is bad for the baby. 理论 : 1 )肥胖引起的未确诊的糖尿病患者,对婴儿不利。
That's an important oversight, since undiagnosed depression is linked to higher risk for diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic health conditions, plus suicide. 这是很重大的疏忽,因为对于糖尿病、心脏病和其它慢性疾病,以及自杀来说,未确诊的抑郁症会造成更高的风险。

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  • adj. [临床] 未确诊的;尚未找出原因的
  • 1. Theories: 1) Fat causes undiagnosed diabetes, which is bad for the baby.

    理论 : 1 )肥胖引起的未确诊的糖尿病患者,对婴儿不利。

  • 2. That's an important oversight, since undiagnosed depression is linked to higher risk for diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic health conditions, plus suicide.


  • 3. A lot of MS patients (including myself) go undiagnosed for years because their doctors, including their neurologists, tell them that their problems are "all in their heads.


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