underserved [,ʌndə'sə:vd]  


underserved  [,ʌndə'sə:vd]

adj. 服务不周到的;服务水平低下的 

Some schools design curricula to directly engage students in community work and give them hands-on experience with needs and expectations in underserved communities. 一些学校在所设计的课程中,直接鼓励学生参与社区工作,以便亲自了解缺医少药社区的需求和期望。
The technology needs of developing countries are especially underserved because of barriers specific to their condition, such as lower incomes and dispersed population. 发展中国家的技术需求尤其得不到满足,这是因为其具体条件形成障碍,例如低收入和人口分散。

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  • adj. 服务不周到的;服务水平低下的
  • 1. Some schools design curricula to directly engage students in community work and give them hands-on experience with needs and expectations in underserved communities.


  • 2. The technology needs of developing countries are especially underserved because of barriers specific to their condition, such as lower incomes and dispersed population.


  • 3. The stated primary goal of most medical education in those regions should be to prepare doctors for assisting the underserved, typically in local rural and public-sector practice.


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