


There are many implications of this mythical cycle that underly the events of the Bible and overshadow and cast the die for the Christian heritage. 这种神话般的循环有很多的含意,假借圣经的事件,遮蔽和投射了基督之死的传统。
This third installment builds on the previous discussion and considers the themes, or characteristics, that underly the process of software architecting. 第三部分是建立在以前讨论的基础之上,而且所考虑的主题或者特征都是在软件架构过程这个框架下。

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  • 1. There are many implications of this mythical cycle that underly the events of the Bible and overshadow and cast the die for the Christian heritage.


  • 2. This third installment builds on the previous discussion and considers the themes, or characteristics, that underly the process of software architecting.


  • 3. Huganir and postdoctoral fellow Roger Clem focused on the nerve circuits in the amygdala, the part of the brain known to underly so-called fear conditioning in people and animals.

    胡加尼尔和他的博士后罗杰·克连(Roger Clem)集中关注大脑中杏仁核(amygdala)的神经回路,杏仁核是人类与动物大脑中负责所谓恐惧调节的脑区。

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