underdevelopment   美 ['ʌndɚdɪ'vɛləpmənt]


underdevelopment  美 ['ʌndɚdɪ'vɛləpmənt]

n. 不发达;[摄] 显影不足 


This Pacific Rim civilization being created is a new relationship between development and underdevelopment. 这一创建中的环太平洋文化是发达与不发达之间一种新型的关系。
With the domestic education system as it is and the underdevelopment of creativity, Kaifu Lee with have plenty to ponder. 在国内现在的教育体制和不发达的创造力大背景下,李开复有很多问题需要思考。

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  • n. 不发达;[摄] 显影不足
  • 1. This Pacific Rim civilization being created is a new relationship between development and underdevelopment.


  • 2. With the domestic education system as it is and the underdevelopment of creativity, Kaifu Lee with have plenty to ponder.


  • 3. The World Energy Council says the power shortage has contributed to continued poverty and underdevelopment across the continent.


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