uncritically [ʌn'kritikli]  


uncritically  [ʌn'kritikli]

adv. 不加鉴别地;不加批评地 

But South–South collaboration, however politically attractive, should not be pursued uncritically. 但是无论在政治上多么具有吸引力,不应该不加批判地从事南南协作。
Very few people would accept Bradshaw's premise uncritically, so it's important that we explore the nature of the relationship between humans and elephants. 很少有人不加批评地完全接受布拉德肖的假设,因此,我们来探讨人象关系的本质就很重要。

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  • adv. 不加鉴别地;不加批评地
  • 1. But South–South collaboration, however politically attractive, should not be pursued uncritically.


  • 2. Very few people would accept Bradshaw's premise uncritically, so it's important that we explore the nature of the relationship between humans and elephants.


  • 3. For example, some on the political right reject anything the New York Times reports and uncritically believe anything offered by Fox News;


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