uncomfortably 美[ʌn'kʌmftəbli]  


uncomfortably  美[ʌn'kʌmftəbli]

adv. 不舒适地;不自在地;令人不快地 

I sat uncomfortably in my superseat for the rest of the journey feeling like a rotten heel. 在余下的旅程中,我浑身不自在地坐在我的“特等座”上,觉得自己差劲透了。
The wire meshscreen symbolizes the isolation And I know it still hovers out there in the periphery of my vision uncomfortably close despite the many successes I have amassed. 这个钢丝窗代表了隔离。 尽管我已经积聚了许多成功,但是我知道它仍然在我的视线边缘徘徊,非常近,令人不舒服。

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  • adv. 不舒适地;不自在地;令人不快地
  • 1. I sat uncomfortably in my superseat for the rest of the journey feeling like a rotten heel.


  • 2. The wire meshscreen symbolizes the isolation And I know it still hovers out there in the periphery of my vision uncomfortably close despite the many successes I have amassed.

    这个钢丝窗代表了隔离。 尽管我已经积聚了许多成功,但是我知道它仍然在我的视线边缘徘徊,非常近,令人不舒服。

  • 3. If they ask for help ordering or seem uncomfortably indecisive you can recommend something you may have previously tried or ask the waiter to help with a suggestion.


un·com·fort·ably / ʌnˈkʌmftəbli ; NAmE ʌnˈkʌmftəbli / / ʌnˈkʌmfətəbli ; NAmE ʌnˈkʌmfərtəbli / adverb 1 in a way that makes you feel anxious or embarrassed; in a way that shows you are anxious or embarrassed 令人不安(或尴尬)地;显得不安(或尴尬)地 I became uncomfortably aware that no one else was laughing. 我难堪地意识到别人都没有笑。 Her comment was uncomfortably close to the truth. 她的评论逼近真相,令人局促不安。 He shifted uncomfortably in his seat when I mentioned money. 我提到钱时,他便坐不住了。 2 in a way that is not physically comfortable 不舒服地;难受地 I was feeling uncomfortably hot. 我觉得酷热难当。 She perched uncomfortably on the edge of the table. 她将就坐在桌边上,非常难受。 un·com·fort·ably / ʌnˈkʌmftəbli ; NAmE ʌnˈkʌmftəbli /
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