uncharacteristically [,ʌn,kæriktə'ristikli]  


uncharacteristically  [,ʌn,kæriktə'ristikli]

adv. 不典型地;非同寻常地 

It should be noted here that climate change managed to pass last week only because the Republicans, uncharacteristically, did not stick together as they had on the February stimulus bill. 这里要说明的一点是,上周气候变化法案得以通过仅仅是因为,共和党人一反常态地没有像今年二月审读刺激经济法案时那样联合起来。
"If you look at the totality of the communications and the lobbying efforts, this has been uncharacteristically quiet, " says one. 其中一位表示:“从他们(商界游说团)传达的讯息和游说行动来看,这次真是一反常态的安静。

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  • adv. 不典型地;非同寻常地
  • 1. It should be noted here that climate change managed to pass last week only because the Republicans, uncharacteristically, did not stick together as they had on the February stimulus bill.


  • 2. "If you look at the totality of the communications and the lobbying efforts, this has been uncharacteristically quiet, " says one.


  • 3. And it seems he’s taking this particular relationship pretty seriously, which is why he’s been so uncharacteristically tight-lipped.


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