unashamedly ['ʌnə'ʃeimidli]  


unashamedly  ['ʌnə'ʃeimidli]

adv. 无愧地;厚颜无耻 

And I unashamedly and apologetically go for ‘pretty picture’ rather than ‘scientifically 100% accurate’. 请原谅我的‘厚颜无耻’,追求‘图片美观’要胜过‘100%科学精准’吧。
If we are to survive the coming food security storm, we will have to embrace unashamedly industrial methods of farming. 如果要安全度过未来的粮食危机,我们就必须问心无愧地接受工业化的养殖方法。

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  • adv. 无愧地;厚颜无耻
  • 1. And I unashamedly and apologetically go for ‘pretty picture’ rather than ‘scientifically 100% accurate’.


  • 2. If we are to survive the coming food security storm, we will have to embrace unashamedly industrial methods of farming.


  • 3. "Some government officials and interest groups unashamedly misuse land resources and urban space, " an anonymous critic recently wrote in an online bulletin board.


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