unabashedly [,ʌnə'bæʃtli]  


unabashedly  [,ʌnə'bæʃtli]

adv. 不害臊地;不怕羞地 

You’ll never be free unless you unabashedly proclaim it within. 你永远不会自由, 除非你不加掩饰地宣布它 存 在。
Indeed, the book unabashedly celebrates democracy as the means by which opposing views can be debated and settled. 确实,书中毫不掩饰的宣扬民主正可以用来辩驳和解决那些反对观点。

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  • adv. 不害臊地;不怕羞地
  • 1. You’ll never be free unless you unabashedly proclaim it within.

    你永远不会自由, 除非你不加掩饰地宣布它 存 在。

  • 2. Indeed, the book unabashedly celebrates democracy as the means by which opposing views can be debated and settled.


  • 3. It’s in developing and unabashedly accepting your unique strengths and talents that you’ll reach your highest potential.


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