ultramodern 英 [,ʌltrə'mɒdən]   美 [,ʌltrə'mɑdɚn]


ultramodern  英 [,ʌltrə'mɒdən] 美 [,ʌltrə'mɑdɚn]

adj. 超现代的,最新的 

The ultramodern Delhi Metro train system is the most celebrated instance of a program that has consistently beaten time targets and stayed closed to budget. 超现代化的德里地铁是最值得称道的例子,这项大型工程的工期和预算均在计划之内实现。
In Tianjin, one arrives at another ultramodern train station -- where, unlike New York City's Pennsylvania Station, all the escalators actually work. 在天津,你又到了一个超级现代化的火车站——与纽约不同,那儿所有的乘车者都是工作者。

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  • adj. 超现代的,最新的
  • 1. The ultramodern Delhi Metro train system is the most celebrated instance of a program that has consistently beaten time targets and stayed closed to budget.


  • 2. In Tianjin, one arrives at another ultramodern train station -- where, unlike New York City's Pennsylvania Station, all the escalators actually work.


  • 3. At midnight Feb. 29, Capital Airport's ultramodern Terminal 3 (BusinessWeek.com 2/27/08) officially opened for business, six months ahead of the 2008 Olympics.


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