turquoise 英 [ˈtɜ:kwɔɪz]   美 [ˈtɜrkwɔɪz]


turquoise  英 [ˈtɜ:kwɔɪz] 美 [ˈtɜrkwɔɪz]

n. 绿松石;蓝绿色  adj. 蓝绿色的 


The expanse of the white sands, the palm trees and the turquoise water make for an almost mystical experience. 在这广阔的沙滩上,拥有白色的沙滩,绿色的棕榈树和蓝绿色的海水,这一切都将给你一个迷幻的经历。
Tetiaroa consists of 13 white sand islets encircled by a coral reef which, from above, appears to shimmer like a turquoise amulet. 罗阿岛由13个被珊瑚礁所环绕的白沙小岛组成,从空中俯瞰,像一个蓝绿色的护身符在闪烁。

  • If your favorite color is turquoise, it means that you're partial to a particular bluish-green shade.
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  • n. 绿松石;蓝绿色
  • adj. 蓝绿色的
  • 1. The expanse of the white sands, the palm trees and the turquoise water make for an almost mystical experience.


  • 2. Tetiaroa consists of 13 white sand islets encircled by a coral reef which, from above, appears to shimmer like a turquoise amulet.


  • 3. The live ones would have been green, but in alcohol the yellow pigment is the first to leach, giving them their present turquoise colour.


  • turquoise (n.) greenish-blue precious stone, 1560s, from Middle French, replacing Middle English turkeis, turtogis (late 14c.), from Old French fem. adjective turqueise "Turkish," in pierre turqueise "Turkish stone," so called because it was first brought to Europe from Turkestan or some other Turkish dominion. Cognate with Spanish turquesa, Medieval Latin (lapis) turchesius, Middle Dutch turcoys, German türkis, Swedish turkos. As an adjective, 1570s. As a color name, attested from 1853. "Chemically it is a hydrated phosphate of aluminum and copper" [Flood].
tur·quoise / ˈtɜːkwɔɪz ; NAmE ˈtɜːrkwɔɪz / noun 1 [countable ,  uncountable ] a blue or greenish-blue semi-preciousstone 绿松石 a turquoise brooch 绿松石胸针 2 [uncountable ] a greenish-blue colour 绿松石色;青绿色 tur·quoise adjective a turquoise dress 一条青绿色的连衣裙 turquoise turquoises tur·quoise / ˈtɜːkwɔɪz ; NAmE ˈtɜːrkwɔɪz /
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