tumour 英 [ˈtju:mə(r)]   美 [ˈtuːmər]


tumour  英 [ˈtju:mə(r)] 美 [ˈtuːmər]

n. [肿瘤] 瘤;肿瘤;肿块 


A cancer is a malignant tumour. 癌是一种恶性瘤。
New photos of the operation show the blood vessels inside the tumour. 一些新的手术照片显示了肿瘤内部的血管。

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  • n. [肿瘤] 瘤;肿瘤;肿块
  • 1. A cancer is a malignant tumour.


  • 2. New photos of the operation show the blood vessels inside the tumour.


  • 3. These suggested that the ovarian tumour was benign, and that the mummy also had malaria and signs of inflammation in the lungs, which could have been caused by pneumonia or tuberculosis.


  • tumour (n.) chiefly British English spelling of tumor; see -or.
tu·mour ( especially US tu·mor ) / ˈtjuːmə(r) ; NAmE ˈtuːmər / noun a mass of cells growing in or on a part of the body where they should not, usually causing medical problems 瘤;肿瘤;肿块 a brain tumour 脑瘤 a benign/malignant (= harmless/harmful) tumour 良性╱恶性肿瘤 tumour tumours tu·mour / ˈtjuːmə(r) ; NAmE ˈtuːmər /
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