tug 英 [tʌg]   美 [tʌɡ]


tug  英 [tʌg] 美 [tʌɡ]

n. 拖船;拖曳  v. 拉,拖,拽 

进行时:tugging  过去式:tugged  过去分词:tugged  第三人称单数:tugs  名词复数:tugs 

She tugged at his sleeve to get his attention. 她拽了拽他的袖子引起他的注意。
The baby was tugging her hair. 婴儿直扯她的头发。

  • To tug is to forcefully pull or drag something. You might need your sister's help to tug your knee-high boots off at the end of a long day.
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  • n. 拖船;拖曳
  • v. 拉,拖,拽
  • 1. She tugged at his sleeve to get his attention.


  • 2. The baby was tugging her hair.


  • 3. He tugged the door open.


  • 4. He tugged the hat down over his head.


  • 5. I felt a tug at my sleeve.


  • 6. She gave her sister's hair a sharp tug.


  • 7. a tug of attraction


tug / tʌɡ ; NAmE tʌɡ / verb , noun tug tugs tugged tugging verb ( -gg- ) 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to pull sth hard, often several times (常为几次用力)拉,拖,拽 tug(at/on sth) She tugged at his sleeve to get his attention. 她拽了拽他的袖子引起他的注意。 ( figurative) a sad story that tugs at your heartstrings (= makes you feel sad) 令人心酸的故事 tugsth The baby was tugging her hair. 婴儿直扯她的头发。 tugsth + adj. He tugged the door open. 他用力拉开了门。 2 [transitive ] tugsth + adv./prep. to pull sth hard in a particular direction (朝某一方向用力)拉,拖,拽 He tugged the hat down over his head. 他把帽子往下拉了拉遮住脸。 synonyms at pull IDIOMsee forelock noun 1 ( also tug·boat / ˈtʌɡbəʊt ; NAmE ˈtʌɡboʊt / ) a small powerful boat for pulling ships, especially into a harbouror up a river 拖船 2 a sudden hard pull (突然的)猛拉,猛拽 I felt a tug at my sleeve. 我觉得有人用力拽了一下我的袖子。 She gave her sister's hair a sharp tug. 她猛地使劲扯了一下她姐姐的头发。 3 [usually singular ] a sudden strong emotional feeling 一股强烈的感情 a tug of attraction 一阵强烈的吸引 tug / tʌɡ ; NAmE tʌɡ / tug·boat / ˈtʌɡbəʊt ; NAmE ˈtʌɡboʊt /
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